lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012

Conclutions and Solutions Types of Bullying

Conclusion types of bullying:
All types of bullying are attempting the victims of this bullying and makes this person have problems in his lives and count live normally with this problems that affects in his lives. The most common bullying type are the physical bullying and cyber bullying that are the most dangerous types of bullying because this affect more in the self-esteem of the persons that are victims of the abuses and problems. The others types of bullying are also dangerous and can affect the victims , other type usually use is the verbal bullying that have a effect only with words that make feel insecure and down the  self-esteem. An make physiological problems.
Solutions of types of bullying:
One solution to stop all this different types of bullying is to felt what effect is caused with this discrimination, and tolerances the differences, doesn’t matter the religion, hobbies, likes, type of sex , etc. because all this types of bullying we can stopped and making a better environment, in that all we can live with differences and tolerate other thinking, and respect the ideas and opinions  of others persons.
The bullying is a serious problem, and we can stopped also making a campaign in school that makes the bullying stop and having consequences of the people that make other person one type of this bullying and having a punishment, like be expulsed or if is older of 18 have legal punishments, cyber bullying is most affected of web that make intimidation and steel information of the social pages. We can stop bullying all together.

Hosted by: David Rios
Conclusions about the consequences of bullying.
I can conclude that the bullying produces on the people feels that is don’t good for her,  and is not good, for the one to produces bullying, also is not good, the person who are the victim, because all of them start to feel, depression, stress, etc.
I concluded that in the world, the people didn’t have the right about to make the others feel unless, because all in the world are equal and they disserve the same treat.
The bullying is the first cause of suicides in the planet, in the last years, because the people almost all the time stays without telling what he or she is feeling to another person.
So you need to start to treat of a good way, your friends, your family, etc. also put yourself in the place of the people that has been bullied, motivated your friends, and tell about the consequences, said also that all the people on the world have differences and we need to accept them.
The world without bullying was be better , because all live in peace, love and can interact with others,  without fear, that don’t discriminated for others, and all start to feel like a family.
The bullying has solution if all the people start to contributed for this cause, if the bullying disappear, the grades on the school was better, the feel  of the people was changes of a good way, So please don’t do bullying and life on brotherhood.
By Juan Camilo Benjumea  


Bullying is most frequently the cause of a lot of the problems in the society; it is the most common cause of suicides in the whole world. This problem is also more frequent in children’s that are in school, because in all the schools are someone that likes to disturb or to make others feel bad.  Some teachers realize of this problem but they can’t do anything because these problems affect only the kids and they are the only ones that can give a final solution for this problem.
Like I already explain it in the last publications, the bullying affects a lot the personality and the way to be of the persons, they started to have bad character and they are almost all the time alone, they also don’t have a good relation with their parents and friends.
Some of the things you can do when you see a person that has been bullied or that makes or produce the bullying are:
·         You have to immediately report to someone else what you have seen, preferably to an adult that can help you and this person to solve future problems.
·         You must confront the person that is making bullying and let him or her see that he is doing something wrong and that he is hurting other people, so maybe he can relax and change his actions and start to change his or someone’s else life.
·         Let’s make all together an effort to change this reality that can affect your friends, your neighbors, any member of your family, or even you if you don’t do anything to solve this dangerous problem.
·         Remember that if you do something good for someone else, one day, this good action is going to be back to you and the planet is gonna be pleased with you and all the things you do trying to make this world a better place to live.

cyber bullying

Cyber bullying
This type of bullying is by sending messenges or emails, that makes other people feel bad, also is to create a web page to joke the person, using electronic media, computers, cell phones,etc., this is a new platform for their actions. These electronic devices are used to send offensive messages to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person, this type of bullying have a legal consequence.
One case of cyber bullying is to upload a image edited that make a offensive message to the victim of this joke, this case is more frequency because most of the persons have an smartphone that can upload a picture in only seconds.
Cyber bullying can happen at home as well as at school, certain types of cyber bullying also may violate school codes or even anti-discrimination. other case is the use of a web page to harass an individual or group, with the technologic device or computers.

How Parents Can Help:
You can  talk with your son and tell him a experience of your childhood that can makes he or she feels better, you can also talk with the teachers in the school or with the persons how are making this type of bullying make him have a punishment, they can be expulsed. Let your child know that you plan to do so, as he or she could have concerns about "tattling" and might prefer that the problem be handled privately.
Cyber bullying can make the victim have effects like anxiety, depression, and other stress-related disorders
hosted by: David Rios

Bullying Solutions

Solutions for Bullying:
Many bullies share some common characteristics. They like to dominate others and they are generally focused on the little kids that have a scared for the big and strong people. Sometimes they lack feelings of empathy or caring toward other people. To solution this situation, two things need to be done. First, parents and teachers need to change their way of thinking and have to do very restricts for the personality of his children’s because the low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence is prejudicial to the kid that received the bullying. They should not just think about children studying but also about problems students may have such as bullying. In schools, everyone needs to change their attitude not to accept bullying and report the bullying to responsible authorities that in charge of the case. Teachers can use circle time to tackle prejudice and discrimination. Second, parents and teachers need to be aware of possibilities such as bullying when a child’s attitude is strange or gloomy, because in most cases the change of attitude is causing for the bullying that the kids received in their school.
The solutions of bullying have to do a change of attitude for all the people in the world, starting with the person who received the bullying and the bullies (The person who cause the bullying) shaking hands and asking forgiveness.
Kids without stress may respond to those who are vulnerable or different not by bullying but with kindness. So parents and teachers need to be aware of bullying, and monitor the attitude of children in their care accordingly. If adults address their real problems, children will open their minds to parents and teachers, and the causes of bullying will be gradually eliminated and possible the bullying and all his arms disappeared to the world, because is so bad lady gaga until a very important anti-bullying supports and wants to be punished as a crime in old democratic countries.
Please help to disappear the bullying, Thank You The video is an other case to the consecuences of bullying that of the years causes a dead, in this case the dead kid  is Jamey Rodeyer a goodd kid that dead for cause of bullying.
By: Javier Arévalo

lunes, 27 de febrero de 2012

Why do some people bully and why are some young people bullied?

On the other input you can see what’s bullying and forms to cause bullying to another person, but why the people do this, why do some people bully????  
There are a lot of reasons why some people bully; they may see it is a way of being popular, or making themselves look tough and in charge. In other case the person who cause the bullying, causing because to get attention or things, or to make afraid to them. In some cases the bullies might be jealous of the person they are bullying. They may be being bullied themselves. Some bullies may not even understand how wrong their behavior is and how it makes the person being bullied feel.

The most cases are present in young, as it causes and as received, this is because some young people are bullied for no particular reason, but sometimes it´s because they are different in some way-perhaps it's the color of their skin, the way they talk, their size or their name and other stupid reason to cause a big in the person who received the bullying same thing happened to Tyler Cement’s a young who suicide for the bullying who it received per the people of his school  because he was gay. Sometimes young people are bullied because they look like they don’t show interest for them appearances.

In the worst cases the bullying to damage so great that it has caused the person which are attacked death by the many critics that they are given as we can seen in the case of Jonah Mowry which murder-suicide attacks to receive for being gay.
 In the following video we can see the latest attempt to fight against this young bullying before committing suicide:

That is so sad; but is really please don’t do that in your community the bullying is the worst thing for young people.

PD: Please look all the video to understand the damage to the bullying. 

By: Javier Arevalo 

More Consequense Of Bullying

The bullying also have impact on the society, for example many people start to feel stress, didn’t want to do anything, present sleeping  problems or nightmares, also the children may suddenly stop wanting to mix with friends or play after the school, they are lonely people, with usually bad character and they don’t believe in themselves.
Many child’ start from the drugs and alcohol addictive, also vandalism for the parents, “Friends”, family, etc.
The bullying can cause on the children to experience fear, depression, low self, physical illness, and a some case the person suicide.In some different cases, the bullying start in home, produced by the parents or by the own family.

Also on the children produces scared of not being popular with class members or being, viewed as the "tough guy"
In my opinion this situation should not pass, because all the people on the earth, childrens, adults etc, and all have dreams, and many people try to destroy it. Many of us, can stop this, do campaigning about this, avoids the comments, about your friends tha hurt their feelings.
If you feel pressure tell your situation from your parents, they help you, tried to maintain your relationship with your friends, because your friends also can help you in dfficult times.

Juan Camilo Benjumea


Some other causes that can take a person to being bullied are:
Bullying starts at home: Most of the people that has problems at home, usually suffer bullying in their school or with its neighbors. This usually is because these persons have a bad relation with their parents, siblings, etc…
This is also common when the parents are very lax and they allow their children’s to do whatever they want or when the children’s do not receive a disciplinary attitude from their parents. So when these kids arrive to school they are not prepared to let anyone to punish at them, because this never happens at their home and they are usually aggressive and rebels when somebody tries to control them or give the orders.
The personality is also very important in this cases:  There are other persons that suffer bullying that are totally different from the last example, and there are those children’s which character or personality is shy, passive, and those persons that don’t interest at nothing, and they present lacks of interest against school, family, friends or how the people treat at them. So it’s our responsibility to report or alert someone when you see a person with these personalities because they can be victims of bullying in the future and if you help them, you are helping the community to become better every single day.
Some of the most popular cases are some of the people that try to intimidate or  to discriminate the others because they don’t want to be discriminate by the rest.  So they just make others feel rejected, sad and less important than the rest of the group and this gives them some respect and bad reputation in the school, with their neighbors or in some extreme cases in their own homes. 

What Produces Bullying?

the bullyin produces many thinks in the person, for example, the the person star to feel alone, also research shows that in fact, bullying can produces, a negative academic, physical, social, emotional psychological.
On the school many people cant work on a good way, they cant ask to the teacher many questions, because ther are scare that people laugh of him.
Also the bullying produces that the person didn't have confidense from another people, him parents, family etc.

Juan Camilo Benjumea

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

What's Bullying?

Bullying is when someone keeps doing or saying things to have power over another person.
Some of the ways they bully other people are by:
·        Saying or writing nasty things about them
·        Calling them names
·        Leaving  them out of activities
·        Not talking to them
·        Threatening them
·        Making them feel uncomfortable or scared
·        Taking or damaging their things
·        Hitting or kicking them
·        Making them do things they don't want to do.
Have any of these things happened to you? Have you done any of these things to someone else? Really, bullying is wrong behavior which makes the person being bullied feel afraid or uncomfortable.

Please don't do this in your school, is so bad for you and your community.

By: Javier Arevalo

Types of bullying


PHYSICAL BULLYING: when some person hurt physically, when someone attack other, hitting, kicking, punching, some one. And makes an injury in the other person, The same victim is targeted repeatedly and makes serious problems in the body of the victim.
VERBAL BULLYING: is make a offensive remarks or to joke with some person religion, genre or the way he or she look, this class of bullying affects it physiologically, and the person feels low and makes feel bad and insecure of one word is to make feel bad other persons with offensives and affects equal that the physical bullying.  It can also include a bully making verbal threats of violence or aggression against someone's personal property.

INDIRECT BULLYING: is a story or rumors about some person, telling others something that is not true and makes the persons exclude the boy of the story or rumor that was created, this type of bullying happen because some persons makes a joke to others to makes the person be excluded and feel bad.

SOCIAL ALIENATION: is when someone is excluded from a group or purpose, it has also rumors and making fun with other person and joke with him, by pointing out their differences.

INTIMIDATION: is when someone makes other feel lower and weak, much of cases is makes the frightens makes the victim to do what they want to do. And have control of the victim making do things that he or she didn’t wanted to do, and makes feel bad and discriminated.

HOSTED BY: David Rios

    There are many different causes that can take people to start bullying against other people, the most usual reason is that a person thinks different or looks different from the rest, so the group start to discriminate the person that is "different" from the others. This is usually more frequent in kids that have problems to socialize with others, or kids that dont have good grades. Also happens when a kid (or adult) has problems in their house so this make them to be stressed all the time and to have a bad realtion with the others.
    The bullying is usually against to someone that has less posibilities of defend itself from the abusers.
    In the girls, for example is usually against someone that has less beauty or less popular than the others. Its very common in the famous "nerds" because they are smarter than the rest.
    By: .Laura Maria Otero Lopez