lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

Types of bullying


PHYSICAL BULLYING: when some person hurt physically, when someone attack other, hitting, kicking, punching, some one. And makes an injury in the other person, The same victim is targeted repeatedly and makes serious problems in the body of the victim.
VERBAL BULLYING: is make a offensive remarks or to joke with some person religion, genre or the way he or she look, this class of bullying affects it physiologically, and the person feels low and makes feel bad and insecure of one word is to make feel bad other persons with offensives and affects equal that the physical bullying.  It can also include a bully making verbal threats of violence or aggression against someone's personal property.

INDIRECT BULLYING: is a story or rumors about some person, telling others something that is not true and makes the persons exclude the boy of the story or rumor that was created, this type of bullying happen because some persons makes a joke to others to makes the person be excluded and feel bad.

SOCIAL ALIENATION: is when someone is excluded from a group or purpose, it has also rumors and making fun with other person and joke with him, by pointing out their differences.

INTIMIDATION: is when someone makes other feel lower and weak, much of cases is makes the frightens makes the victim to do what they want to do. And have control of the victim making do things that he or she didn’t wanted to do, and makes feel bad and discriminated.

HOSTED BY: David Rios

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